
Hi my loves! It's been a long time since I last posted, I have been a bit lazy haha! So you all know how much I love shoes, especially PRINTED ;) I have been wanting a pair of leopard print sneakers for a very long time now but the prices are just INSANE! But luckily, one day I walked into a Payless and found them! Just how I wanted them, my size, good price and the LAST PAIR! Lucky, right? I paid 20 bucks for these babies and I am in love, they are so comfy!
By the way, I never notice how much my hair has grown until I see pictures of myself! #LoveYourNaturalHair ♥
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T-Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Jacket: H&M
Shorts: Old Navy + DIY
Sneakers: Payless
Shades: American Apparel
Rings: H&M

Music for your weekend. I me some Solange

What do you think?